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Transitioning to Meet The Needs of Our Community 

It is apparent now more than ever that we all need to work together as a UNITED front to combat the most significant issues in Florence County and to create a long-lasting, positive impact in the community. United Way of Florence County will be transitioning from a Community Chest Model to the Collective Impact Model. The Collective Impact Model will allow us to identify the most pressing needs within the three pillars of education, health, and financial stability in Florence County and the partners to collaborate to address them while being able to show the true impact we are all making in the community with donor dollars.



What is Collective Impact?

Collective Impact focuses on the most pressing, fundamental needs of the community in the education, health, and financial stability sectors. Rather than strictly funding programs, United Way of Florence County will fund collaborative community projects and provide direct services, while measuring our impact with clear goals and targeted resources.

The Collective Impact Model will allow us to (1) improve people’s lives by providing better access to services and coordinated support for individuals and families most at risk, (2) explore new partnerships with agencies, donors, and others to leverage resources and share ideas that will improve the system of care for people in our community, (3) initiate innovation and working together to solve social problems, and (4) shift the overall mix of community investments to focus on the root problem to large-scale initiatives that have the power to build for the future and deepen community impact.

The Collective Impact Model will also allow us to incorporate more Collective Impact strategies. Collective Impact is based upon the understanding that no single policy, government entity, or organization can tackle or solve deep-rooted social problems alone. Moving beyond a partnership or collaboration, Collective Impact calls for a longstanding commitment between multiple organizations working toward a common goal.

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Collective Impact Task Force

Current Members

  • Hari Rajagopalan, Francis Marion University

  • Jeanette Altman, The Continuum

  • John Davis, City of Florence Police

  • Kiara Lint, DHEC

  • Mary Finklea, SC Lutheran Retreat Centers

  • Meagan Sherman, Columbia VA Healthcare System

  • Merrette Dowdell, MUSC

  • Nikkoya Bass, Assurant

  • Regina Nesmith-Dimery, DHEC

  • Richard Harrington, Palmetto Peddlers

  • Savannah Stanley, ACS Technologies

  • Timothy McFadden, Florence County Sheriff's Office

Collective Impact Task Force

Past Members

  • Chelsea Guthrie, Invo Healthcare

  • Hixon Copp, NESA

  • Kristen Lowe, Pee Dee Equality 

  • Lorene Godbold, McLeod Health

  • Mackenzie Webb, Preit

  • Capt. Mike Brandt, City of Florence Police

  • Nathaniel Marshall, Florence One Schools

  • Nicole Echols, HopeHealth

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United Way of Florence County adopts new business model

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United Way of Florence County announces new focus areas

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